We are currently seeking enthusiastic people who share research interest with us!

Postdoctoral Fellow
Successful candidates should have at least one first author paper published in a peer-reviewed journal. We welcome applicants with any research background, but the priority will be given to those with neuroscience background. Experience with fruit fly research is not required. We rather encourage individuals who worked with other model organisms to apply. Experience with engineering or programming would also be a plus.
If you are interested, please send Toshi an email with CV (including contact information of 2 or more referees) and your past and future research interest.
UNC-Chapel Hill provides an excellent research environment with ample opportunities of collaboration. Especially since our lab is affiliated with the Department of Biology, the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology (Medical School) and IBGS, we will have a lot of interactions with a variety of researchers. Chapel Hill and the surrounding areas offer a high quality of life. As a part of world-renowned Research Triangle region, the area is full of academic atmosphere. You can find many affordable housings and high-quality restaurants as well.
Graduate Student
You can join our lab as a graduate student through either UNC's umbrella program, BBSP (Biological and Biomedical Science Program) or UNC Biology's QBio Program (Quantitative Biology Graduate Track), which allows direct admission to the lab. If you are interested in either of the programs, please contact Toshi to discuss the detail.