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Lab moved to the second floor

Our main lab moved to the second floor of the same building. Toshi's new office is 2157 Genome Sciences Building. Our new neighbors are the labs of Amy Gladfelter and Celia Shiau. Rigs are up and running in the new space!

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UNC Science Expo 2024

As we promised last year, once again, our team participated in the UNC Science Expo with support from our NSF grant. Both kids and their parents had a blast competing with flies over their olfactory a

Paper published!

Our new paper has been published in the Journal of Physiology! In this work, we developed a new experimental system to monitor both long-term and short-term synaptic plasticity in the central synapses

Drew visited a local middle school classroom

Drew visited our former Kenan Fellow Christine Sudzina Schut's classroom at Culbreth Middle School in Chapel Hill. Her internship in our lab in the past summer inspired her to spend the previous month

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